National Deafblind Awareness Month

DeafBlind Ontario Services is coming together one stitch at a time with a global community of individuals, service providers and advocacy groups, along with organizations in the field of deafblindness to yarn bomb community objects and spaces around the world in June in celebration of National Deafblind Awareness Month!
Yarn bombing is an initiative of Deafblind International (DbI), where objects in community spaces are adorned with knit or crochet squares or wrapped in yarn. The connection of each knit or crochet square symbolizes the coming together of people in the field of deafblindness, with the goal of raising awareness on a large scale.
June, the birth month of Helen Keller, was proclaimed by the Senate of Canada in 2015 as National Deafblind Awareness Month.
Visit DeafBlind Ontario Services’ Yarn Bombing installations in June:
- Georgina: Gazebo in Jackson’s Point Parkette;
- Newmarket: Fairy Lake Bridge;
- Ottawa Public Library: Main Branch;
- Peterborough Public Library;
- Innisfil ideaLab & Library;
- London Public Library: Landon Branch;
- Waterloo Public Library: Ayr Branch;
- Greater Sudbury Public Library; and
- Valley East Public Library and Citizen Service Centre