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Supported Volunteer Placements

Inclusion in the community is a natural goal for everyone, including people with disabilities. You can make a difference in the life of a person who is deafblind, as well as those living with a developmental disability who are Deaf, hard of hearing or use non-traditional forms of communication.

Provide a volunteer placement for 1-2 hours/ week in a supported volunteer position at your place of business. Individuals are 100% supported in their volunteer placements to ensure success for both the individual and the business.

Intervenor and man supported stand on opposite ends of a table in a restaurant where the man has a supported volunteer placement. The intervenor places her hand over the man’s, assisting him with wiping the table.

Benefits to Business:

  • No recruitment costs
  • Little to no supervision necessary
  • Loyal, dependable volunteer
  • Demonstrate your commitment to social inclusion to staff, customers and the community
  • Listing as a Community Partner on DeafBlind Ontario Services’ website

We will work closely with your business to identify the position requirements, tasks and goals necessary to support your business.

Become a community partner! Please call us at 1-855-340-3267 ext. 262 for more information!

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