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She’s the Happiest Person

She’s the Happiest Person

Listen“She is my angel, my special girl… We have a deep bond and always have,” says Joan, also known as Nanny by her granddaughter, Reilly. “I was there the day she was born… and when she got sick.” At three months, Reilly developed flu-like symptoms and was rushed to...
Seeing Life Differently

Seeing Life Differently

Listen“Let them” was Anne-Marie’s response to people staring at her son, Steve. Without communication skills, Steve often screamed as a child… a form of expression. But, he could not hear the sound or volume of his frequent screams. Steve is deafblind. Deafblindness...
Thank you Bingo World & Gaming Richmond Hill!

Thank you Bingo World & Gaming Richmond Hill!

ListenWhen you visit Bingo World and Gaming Richmond Hill, you are making a positive impact on local not-for-profit organizations, like DeafBlind Ontario Services, while enjoying hours of entertainment. Funds raised through Charitable Gaming, also known as ‘cGaming’,...
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