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Accessibility Guidelines for Sensory Loss

Image of black and white light switch that says Shine a Light on Accessibility Challenges.

Did you know that simply contrasting the colour of a light switch and wall plate can make turning on the lights easier for individuals with sensory loss?

This is just one of the many tips in the Accessibility Guidelines for Sensory Loss from DeafBlind Ontario Services. Other accessible design ideas include the use of colour, texture and specialized products.

The Accessibility Guidelines for Sensory Loss, now in its third edition, was developed to benefit anyone with sensory loss.

The Accessibility Guidelines for Sensory Loss is an essential resource if you are a builder, member of an accessibility committee or government agency, or work in a recreation centre, nursing home or other facility. The guide includes a DIY (Do-it-Yourself) section to improve accessibility in environments used by any individual with sensory loss.


Download your FREE copy of the Accessibility Guidelines for Sensory Loss below!

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